The Merced County Association of Governments (MCAG) is seeking feedback on the transit needs and interests of residents as part of the agency’s Westside Commuter Bus Feasibility Study project. Through November 10, residents who routinely travel to the Bay Area for work from the areas of Los Banos, Dos Palos, Gustine, and Santa Nella are invited to participate in an online survey to assess their needs, interests and likelihood of using transit to commute in the future.
The survey is available in both English and Spanish, and can be accessed online using the following links:
With westside communities experiencing some of the longest one-way commutes in the state, the goal of the study is to assess the feasibility of a long-distance express or commuter bus service between western Merced County and the greater San Francisco Bay Area, especially the South Bay area.
“We are asking our local resident commuters, including those impacted by COVID-19, to help us by sharing your commuting story,” said Matt Fell, MCAG Deputy Director-Planning. “Figuring out what kinds of transit alternatives might interest you will be incredibly valuable in determining potential future options for our County’s long-distance commuters.”
Survey results will be used to determine if a future service is viable, particularly in the post-COVID era.
MCAG is the regional transportation planning agency and metropolitan planning organization for Merced County. In addition to regional transportation planning, MCAG also manages The Bus, YARTS, the Merced County Regional Waste Management Authority and administers Measure V funds. For more information, visit www.mcagov.org.