Help plan for safe streets in your neighborhood!

SJCOG is hosting a virtual community meeting and we need to hear from you! Tell us what it’s like to walk, bike, and take transit in your neighborhood, and what could make it better. Join us on July 14 at 4:30 PM. Sign up online at:

Your feedback will help inform how SJCOG and the cities of Manteca and Stockton can work together to improve active transportation and support healthy and sustainable communities.

Questions? Contact Emely Candray at or 916-442-1168.

StanCOG Public Transit Coordination Plan Workshops

Join Stanislaus Council of Governments and MOVE for a virtual workshop to discuss ways to improve transportation services for older adults, persons with disabilities, low-income populations, veterans, & students in Stanislaus! Register at:

English Language Workshops

Tuesday, July 13, 5-6:30 pm:
Thursday, July 15, 10:30 am – 12 pm:

Spanish Language Workshop

Thursday, July 15, 5-6:30 pm:

Learn more here.