We've got your back
Stuff happens.
Life happens. Sick kids, family emergency, last-minute overtime, a flat vanpool tire, anything can happen, but you need to get home. Emergency Ride Home is a free service where dibs picks up the tab for your taxi, Uber or Lyft home for an eligible reason (see ERH guidelines).

Get registered with dibs and review the guidelines before your emergency arises.
Then, if you find yourself in a pickle, complete the Reimbursement Request form and submit within 15 days of using the service.
You must use one of our Smart Travel Options (carpool, vanpool, transit, walking, biking) at least 3x a week. You must also be signed up for the ERH program at least three days before your first use.
You pay up front and we reimburse you. It’s that simple
An emergency for one person is different from the next, but here are a few examples:
- You’re sick and need to go home.
- You were asked to work unscheduled overtime and missed your regular ride.
- An immediate family member is ill or had an accident.
- A serious problem or crisis arises
Unfortunately, we can’t help you with the following:
- You’re working preplanned overtime hours.
- Personal errands
- Medical appointments
- Business travel
- A natural disaster
- On the job injury
- Other reasons that may be deemed invalid.