SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY – The San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) served as the lead applicant and secured the largest grant from California Transportation Commission’s Short-Line Railroad Improvement Program (SLRIP) in the amount of $1,799,990 to improve the Stockton Terminal and Eastern Railroad (STE).
A short line railroad is an independently owned, financed, and operated rail company that operates over a relatively short distance, as compared to the large regional networks operated by the major railroads. The Stockton Intermodal Transload and Alternative Fuel (SITAF) Project will modernize infrastructure on STE to handle the influx of alternative diesel fuels to satisfy California and federal low carbon fuel standards. The grant will fund a safety modernization resurfacing and rail tie replacement program that removes deteriorating 100-year rail, rehabilitates degraded switches for essential connection points and replaces six grade crossing surfaces in the track.
Read the full press release here.