The dibs Crew
Dibs is a program established by the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG) and serves San Joaquin and Merced counties.
We offer transportation options, incentives, tips and even emergency rides home. We also bring vanpool participants together. You want easy options designed to fit your needs. By foot, bike, car, bus, train, carpool or vanpool, we’re your portal to smart travel to save you money, reduce road congestion and improve air quality.
Let us know how we can help you get on board with Smart Travel.

Smart Travel Guru
Get to know facts:
- Program Management and Planning
- Partnership Opportunities
- FSP Manager
- Delicious Puerto Rican recipes

Events Superstar
Get to know facts:
- Employer & Community Outreach
- Marketing Coordinator
- Smart Travel Educator
- Binge Crunch Connoisseur

Ride Matching
Get to know facts:
- Website and Database Technician
- Vanpool Subsidy Manager
- Emergency Ride Home Manager
- Bookworm Extraordinaire