Who needs a reason to Travel Smart?!
Saving the environment is an amazing goal, but these days saving money is even better. Here are a few ways traveling with dibs will help you do just that.

For Travelers
You can save tons of time and money by going to work, school or play with other smart travelers in carpools and vanpools. Also, by other methods using transit, or even walking or biking to decrease traffic and pollution.
Every year dibs provides several ways for travelers to have fun, earn rewards, and PRIZES! Check our social media monthly for updated events and promotions. Facebook.
May is bike month. Dibs and the counties of Merced and San Joaquin bring you incentives, biking news and opportunities, and of course great prizes for participating in the dibs program. Get in touch to learn more.
Dibs’ Rideshare Week happens every fall. The most recent being October 17-21 2022. San Joaquin and Merced counties participate in various ways, and travelers get the chance to make a difference in air quality and traffic congestion. Get in touch to learn more.
For Employers
There are 4 transportation tax advantage benefits just waiting to save you money. Savings for you and your employees! Learn more here.
State law requires certain employers who provide subsidized parking for their employees to offer cash allowance in lieu of a parking space. The cash allowance is equal to what you pay for the parking space minus any contribution by the employee. Visit CARB to learn more.
dibs offers a vanpool incentive to vanpoolers that qualify. Click here to learn more and apply.
Employers may provide up to $315 per month to commuting employees for transit, parking or vanpool fees. As an employer, you receive business income tax deductions. As an employee, you receive the benefit pre-taxed reducing taxable income. Win, win. Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits

Vanpool Subsidies
Contact dibs to form a new vanpool with the help of our fantastic partners, Commute with Enterprise and CalVans to receive monthly subsidies!
California Parking Cash-out Law